What Causes Pinched Nerve in the Lower Back?

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Treatment-of-Pinched Nerve- OH
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5 Common Symptoms Related to a Pinched Nerve
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In this blog post, we’ll discuss what causes pinched nerves in the lower back and how to avoid it. In order to do that, let’s take a look at some of the factors that contribute to pinched nerves. One common cause of pinched nerves in the lower back is from a herniated disc. This can develop over time due to poor posture, injury, or even obesity and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Some causes of a pinched nerve in the lower back include:

  • bulging disc
  • fall injury or trauma
  • spinal stenosis
  • mechanical stretching
  • bone spur formation, also known as osteophytes
  • spondylolisthesis
  • foraminal stenosis
  • degeneration
  • rheumatoid arthritis

How Can You Get Rid of a Pinched Nerve in Your Lower Back?

10  Treatments to Try

1) Rest

Rest is the best thing to do if you are experiencing nerve pain. Try not doing any sports that may be causing your discomfort, as they can make things worse and cause muscle pull-out (especially when playing competitively). Instead of engaging in these activities try sitting at home with Netflix or reading books on topics such as gardening for relaxation purposes instead.  But, don’t remain too inactive.  You’ll want to move around.

2) Adjust your posture

A person’s posture can make all the difference when dealing with chronic backache issues at its worst, so be sure to maintain good positioning habits. Sitting or standing correctly will help relieve the pain from a pinched nerve. Find any position that is comfortable for you, and spend as much time in it as possible while remaining upright.

3) Ergonomic workstation

People who are suffering from pinched nerves may try creating changes in their workplace. This could include using an ergonomic keyboard and mouse, or raising a computer monitor to eye level so they don’t strain the neck while working something which is also useful for people with back pain caused by tight muscles near the spine as well. Using standing desks can help keep you moving.

4)  Bracing or splinting

A splint is a great way to help prevent further nerve damage and speed up healing. Wearing one on your hand or arm can give the affected area relief while also taking pressure off it at night, which will make sleeping much easier for you.

Wearing a back brace may be an excellent way to help alleviate your painful symptoms. Lower back belts work by placing pressure and dual compression on the irritated spinal region.

5) Stretching

Stretches can help relieve the pressure on your nerves and improve symptoms. Don’t go too deeply into a stretch if you feel pain or discomfort, instead of ease up slightly from where it hurts until there is just enough to notice that something has changed for better or worse. Remember small movements have big impacts so try moving around when seated.

6) Elevate legs

For a pinched nerve in your lower back, try elevating the area around it with crunches and other exercises.

7) Use Ice

Ice is the way to go when you have a pinched nerve. Place an ice pack on top of your pain for 10-15 minutes and hold it in place, this will reduce inflammation that has caused swelling around it.

8) Apply heat pads

You can use heat to relieve the pain that’s caused by a pinched nerve. Heating pads are available in various sizes, so you will be able to find one large enough for your needs at any drugstore or grocery store.

9) Take an over-the-counter pain reliever

It’s always a good idea to check in with your doctor before starting any new medication, but if you’re feeling up to it and don’t mind trying some over-the-counter pain relievers then go for it.

10) Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic treatments can help patients who have pinched nerves that may be causing pain, numbness, weakness, or burning sensations. Our team of chiropractors works with your body’s natural healing process by using noninvasive techniques like adjusting the alignment of your vertebrae or joints and relaxing tight muscles around problem areas, which alleviate pressure on troubled zones and relieve pain without surgery.


Some tips for avoiding these conditions include getting up every 30 minutes from your desk or chair while working, not lifting anything heavier than 10 pounds, and the key to a healthy lifestyle is eating the right foods. Just as we do with our muscles, exercising and staying hydrated are also important factors in maintaining good health!

Should you have any other questions,  send us a message!


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What Causes Pinched Nerve in the Lower Back?
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