What Does an Auto Accident Mean?

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, we can help.  We know that auto accidents are stressful and scary, but they don’t have to be complicated. The most important thing is to get proper injury care as soon as possible to begin feeling better sooner.

The term “auto accident” refers to any type of collision involving one or more vehicles on public roadways. They can cause property damage, bodily injuries, and even death. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly three million drivers suffer injuries and about two million drivers suffer permanent injuries from car accidents each year.

Auto Accidents: Their CausesAuto-Accident-Treatment-OH

The most common cause of a auto accident is driver error, accounting for 94% of them. 

The following can be included: 

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving (e.g., using a cell phone)
  • Driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol and fatigue.

Other factors that contribute to more than 90 percent of American crashes, such as road rage, tailgating, and violations of traffic rules, such as not obeying light signals. The odds of an accident increased dramatically if you failed to observe pedestrians and traffic correctly at an intersection or operated a vehicle with mechanical defects.

What Are Common Symptoms After a Car Accident?

There are many potential symptoms of a car accident. When an auto accident occurs, the occupants in the vehicle can be quickly jostled around.  This sudden movement of starting and stopping can cause injuries to a variety of areas.  Some injuries related to car accidents include:

  • Whiplash
  • Neck or shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Low back pain
  • Blurry vision
  • Concussion
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Injuries resulting from auto accidents do not always occur immediately after the accident.  Often, the pain will begin over the 24-48 hours following the accident.

Causes of these pains may be from:

  • Stress
  • Muscle tension
  • Injury to the joints, tendons, or muscles
  • Nerve or tissue damage


When your capillaries are damaged, blood from the vessels seeps to the surface of your skin and forms a bruise. It can take time for all of this damage to become visible because it takes some time before enough blood reaches the outer layers so you won’t be able to see everything initially.

Bruising is not something that needs immediate attention but if there is tenderness or discoloration without improvement then medical care should be sought out as soon as possible even though bruises typically heal on their own within about two weeks.

Numbness or Tingling

Nerve or tissue damage can be a sign of nerve injury. This is especially true in the back, neck, shoulders, and hands/feet. Sometimes this leads to pain as well – it’s important to tell your doctor about these symptoms ASAP.

Changes in Mood

Mood changes after a car accident may include anxiety, depression, or even personality changes. Symptoms of these emotions may be stronger if you have also suffered a concussion.

Dizziness or loss of balance

When the head and neck are ‘whipped’ in an auto accident, this can lead to dysfunctions causing dizziness, blurred vision and even loss of balance.  This should be addressed with your doctor.


After an accident, the area of your body that has been affected by trauma may experience swelling. This can worsen over the first several days and is often a sign of underlying injuries.


Pain occurs when the bones, joints or soft tissues in the body are injured in some way.  Pain from auto injuries can often last for several days to several months.  It is important that pain resulting from an automobile accident be evaluated.

Trouble Concentrating or Remembering

If you have been in a car accident and are feeling foggy or forgetful, go and see your doctor, make sure that there is nothing more serious going on. You could be dealing with stress from the accident which is a brain trauma that needs medical attention immediately.

Which Diagnostic Scans Should You Get After a Car Accident?

In the event of a car accident, you must get checked by medical specialists. The doctors can diagnose and treat any injuries you may have using the appropriate diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, ultrasounds, and CT scans.

Treatment for Injuries From Car Accidents

After a car accident, take time off to recuperate and recover. Talk to your doctor about which treatment options are best for you.

In most mild to moderate cases, conservative, non-surgical care will enable you to recover fully from your injuries.  In severe cases, it may require more advanced medical care.

Conclusion on Auto Accidents

If you’ve been in a car accident it’s important to get checked out by a professional. That’s why we offer exceptional care from N8 Family Chiropractic. We want you to be safe and healthy after your accident, which is why we are here for you every step of the way.

You can rest easy knowing that our team will take care of all your medical needs with the utmost professionalism and expertise. Our goal is to make sure that you feel better than ever before, while also making sure that your health isn’t compromised in any way during or after an accident. It doesn’t matter if it was a car crash or something else – we have got you covered!

Schedule for Auto Accident Treatment at N8 Family Chiropractic